Graduation gift guide

Four years of tests, papers, football games, study halls, dates, laughter, early classes, deadlines, tears, lugging around 30-pound books, late nights, successes and pep rallies. For many, it starts all over again in the fall.

This spring, there will be applauds of admiration on graduation day for those who have made it this far. Along with your proud smiles and warm hugs, say congratulations to your friends and graduating siblings with some fun and inexpensive gifts they can pack up and take with them to their new destination: college.

Theme idea #1: Clean up your act
While college is one big balancing act, it’s no time to slack off on personal hygiene! Help a grad look and feel their personal best. Laundry basket ($7.99) filled with: Laundry detergent ($5) and fabric softener sheets ($1.99) Shout wipes, box of 12 ($1.99) Roll of quarters ($10) Cheat sheet on washing clothes.
Decorate a shower caddy with art that won’t wash off ($5.99) Flip-flops for the shower ($4.99) Towels ($1.99/each) with embroidered initials, Disinfectant spray ($4.99) for close-quarter living, Homemade pillowcase made with fun fabric ($3.99)

Theme idea #2: Food for thought
Say “goodbye” to mom’s cooking and “hello” to Bertha and her hairnet! Everyone knows college food is a mere two stars, which is why these yummy gift ideas are the perfect recipes for smiles on your graduating friends. Large Plastic bowl ($4.99) filled with: Box of microwave popcorn ($2.99) Blockbuster gift certificate to complete a night in, Water bottle ($2.99) for those thirsty walks around campus, Gift certificate to the local grocery store Brita pitcher water-filtration system ($21.99) Gift certificate to your friend’s favorite restaurant for moments that call for a celebration, Coffee-shop gift certificates for those with 8 a.m. classes, Pre-stamped postcards that say, “I need cookies!” Download the postcard template at, Cheap and Easy Cooking: the Survival Guide for College Students ($5.95) is perfect for a college student’s busy schedule and tight budget

Theme idea #3: Dorm deco
Having a great personality is important, and that shows in your living space too! Using creativity and space-saving smarts, you can help your graduating friends add personal touches to their dorm rooms that are both fun and functional. These gifts will give them a style that fits! Holmes 7” clip fan ($9.99) for a convenient breeze, Fun-shaped touch lights ($3.99/each) to add light wherever you need it, Magnetic poetry for the fridge, Scented drawer liners ($6.99) to give dorm furniture a personal touch, Plant or cactus ($3.99) is a great way to put down roots in a new place, Decorated tack board ($5.99) Picture frame ($4.99) that can be decorated with bottle caps, movie and concert stubs, Polaroid I-zone pocket camera ($17.99) with sticky film to stick friendly faces all over walls, mirrors and doors, Mounting tape ($1.97) for places where nails can’t go, Utility hooks ($1.29) to hang anything and everything from, A tool kit ($35) is a compact way to have all the essential tools needed to make basic repairs, and it can be used for roadside emergencies.

Theme idea #4: Reach out and touch someone
Hearing a familiar voice over the phone or seeing a familiar face makes transitions that much easier. Unfortunately, staying in touch with family and friends becomes harder the further from home you go. Here are some gift ideas that can shorten the distance between you and your college-bound friends! Medium-sized duffel bag ($29.99) they can use for travel. Fill it with: Calling card Box of stationary ($4.99) with self-addressed, already-stamped envelopes, Address book ($5.99) filled with contact information for friends and family with room to add more, Pre-paid gas card for driving home on the weekends or trips to visit friends

Theme idea #5: Success Stories
Staying organized is the key to success, but it is not always easy. Which is why these gifts are a great way to help your graduating friends manage their college years--and enjoy every moment. Timex Iron Man watch ($34.99) for time management that includes an alarm, indigo night light, and count down timer Dictionary, Thesaurus and APA publication manual will be their best friends while at school Post-It notes ($1.99) are perfectly sized reminders, Dry Erase board ($8.99) for important messages, Extension cord ($2.99) will keep them from getting tangled up Dr. Seuss’s book Oh, the Places You’ll Go! ($17.00) addresses the great balancing act of life and the ups and downs it presents, Day planner ($9.99) that you can leave notes of encouragement in for them to find along the way, Movie gift certificates because everyone knows all work and no play is no fun Complete Idiot’s Guide to Money for Teens ($10.99) will keep them spending wisely on their own.

We found and priced most of these items at Target. Look for them in similar stores, using our listed prices as a guide. Also, check out your local dollar store for these and other inexpensive treasures!

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