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Quiz: What's your study style?

1. Your history teacher mentions that you’ve got a massive project coming up about the Revolutionary War. The first thought that comes to your mind is:
a.) Please, pretty please let it be a group project! I have to work with my friends.
b.) I can totally score well on this project. That research paper I did last year on the Constitution will be a huge help.
c.) Sweet! That awesome new exhibit about George Washington just opened at the museum; I should go check it out.

2. Where do you feel most comfortable?
a.) In my room, with the door closed, listening to music by myself.
b.) Cruising around town in my car, searching for adventure with my best friend.
c.) At a concert, completely surrounded by a jumping, screaming crowd!

3. What kind of reader are you?
a.) I hate reading! Watching a movie or looking something up on the Internet helps me so much more.
b.) I read out loud to myself. It helps me absorb the material, and I seem to remember things better.
c.) I need to read in absolute quiet. Any other noises totally distract me.

4. It’s time to choose which activity you’ll be participating in during gym this semester. Which most appeals to you?
a.) Floor hockey. It’s fun to run around with your teammates and try to get some wins for your team (even though you have to wear those nerdy goggles).
b.) Fitness. You can work out by yourself and really concentrate on the body parts you think need the most work.
c.) The ropes course. OK, so the harness is a little embarrassing. But it’s really cool to be able to complete challenging courses and overcome your fears.

5. Your mom decides to pull out home videos of you as a little kid. Besides being the cutest kid who ever walked the planet, what are your other noticeable qualities?
a.) You’re really good at sharing. All the other kids loved playing with you because you were so generous with your cool toys.
b.) You’re always making a HUGE mess! Either you’ve got your face covered in birthday cake, or you’ve got mud all over your once-impeccable outfit.
c.) You sure do love that pacifier. In fact, you hardly made a peep through the whole video!

6. You’re at a party. Suddenly, you have the idea to start up a wild game of...
a.) Charades! You, after all, do have a flair for the dramatic, and you know your team will be able to win with your hilarious acting.
b.) Spin the bottle. You always wondered what it’d be like to kiss your lab partner.
c.) Solitaire. Everyone at this party is really boring, so why not entertain yourself?

KEY 1. a) 3 pts. b) 2 pts. c) 1 pt. 2. a) 1 pt. b) 2 pts. c) 3 pts. 3. a) 2 pts. b) 3 pts. c) 1 pt. 4. a) 3 pts. b) 1 pt. c) 2 pts. 5. a) 3 pts. b) 2 pts. c) 1 pt. 6. a) 2 pts. b) 3 pts. c) 1 pt.

15 to 18: SOCIAL STUDIER Your favorite hobby? It’s not sitting home by yourself! You love to be surrounded by your buddies, and you feel the most confident when you’re with them. Studying with your amigos can be good way to gain new opinions and knowledge through discussions and study games, but make sure that your “study parties” don’t lose the studying aspect. Although studying with friends can make a seemingly boring topic more interesting and enlightening, individual study is important as well.

10 to 14: TACTILE TEACHER Reading a book or listening to a boring lecture is SO not for you. You need to experience things first hand through creative activities and visual aids, such as visiting a museum, doing an experiment or making some sort of project that is related to the topic that you need to study. These alternative studying methods are good ways to absorb dull information and help make subjects come alive.

6 to 9: LOW-KEY LEARNER The traditional study methods such as reading, highlighting and making flashcards really work for you. And that’s just fine, because honestly, you have it the easiest of any of these categories. You’re able to depend on yourself for studying and absorb information without depending on other outlets that can be more time consuming and distracting. You’ve adopted efficient techniques that get the job done. Keep in mind, however, that it’s OK to bust free once in awhile and have some fun while studying. It doesn’t always have to be a completely humdrum activity.

Katie Macpherson is an intern with The Next Step Magazine.

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