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Friends. They are perhaps the coolest people on the planet. They are your partners in crime. They try to keep you out of trouble and you do the same for them. They push you to do your best, and you push them to do their best. Without them you probaly wouldn't survive those hard classes and the mean teachers who hate you for no apparent reason. They always stick up for you and try to make you feel better when you're having a really bad day. They're always are there for you no matter what. They always listen to what you have to say and always respect how you feel. In the ninth grade I had some of the coolest people as friends.

We weren't popular and, truthfully, we didn't want to be. The popular people at our school tended to back stab each other often and there was a lot of peer-pressure to be like them. None of us wanted that to happen. People knew who we were and we had a few popular friends like Dan, Calissa, and Paulina. We wrote notes to each other a lot - which wasn't smart because we should have been paying attention to the teacher, and we realize it now but we didn't then. All of us were accepted for who we were in our group and no one in our group ever tried to change it.

In March I broke up with my boyfriend of three months, which was really hard for me. Things hadn't been going well for a while and it was kind of a relief to be free of the relationship. My friends were there for me and I really did appreciate it, even though I never told them how much it meant to me to have them there. It was especially nice to have Evin, my ex-boyfriends best friend, supporting me and helping me through the break up. He would quickly become one of my best friends.

As the year moved on we continued to write notes, which was pretty bad.but it was about to get worse. After spring break my best friend, Eva found out her boyfriend had cheated on her and all hell broke lose. School didn't seem to matter to anyone any more.keeping her from sinking into depression and doing something drastic did. All I did for about a week was write notes to her to try and cheer her up and I called her when I was supposed to be doing homework. I stopped trying on my homework and didn't pay as much attention to school. My grades started dropping and I knew I would have to start working as hard as I could to get them back up. I started working hard to get my grades back. But by that time it was a little too late.

I managed to save most of my grades.but I had to settle for B's. The only grade I couldn't get up was my French grade. That was the class that was most difficult for me. I did end up with three A's at the end of the quarter which I was really happy about. I started to think things couldn't get any worse. Eva was always crying, she and her boyfriend were constantly fighting and breaking up and then getting back together, my grades were bad, and my parents were going to kill me if I got a C.

Then Dan and Paulina broke up for the second time. They had had a very serious relationship and it was over quite fast. Paulina had become obsessed with being popular, which I hadn't realized until the break up happened. She started to spread rumors about him, which added to his depression over the break up. I tried to make him feel better while dealing with Eva and school. It wasn't easy, but somehow I survived.

The last dance was coming up and Dan was still depressed. I asked him to go to the dance with me as friends to try and cheer him up. I had had a crush on him for a while, but I knew he wasn't ready for another relationship and neither was I. We had known each other for a very long time and I felt like we were really good friends so I wanted to tell him how I I did a couple weeks before the dance which turned out to be a big mistake.

 After school got out and this whole thing had blown over I found out telling Dan had made him uncomfortable and he didn't want to hang out with me. Earlier in the year I had found out Evin was moving. He would end up moving in July and keeping in touch with him would prove to be a problem. Now that the school year is almost upon me I'm starting to get ready. I'm re-connecting with my friends. I talked to Dan yesterday and he seems to be doing well and I think everything will be fine between us.

The only part I'm worried about is sharing a locker with someone else. I find it amazing that so much could happen in such a short amount of time.but that's high school for you. Now that the new school year is approaching my top priority will be school and then friends. While friends are important, if I actually want to succeed in life school hast to come first.

This year I am becoming a self-proclaimed 'nerd' and focusing on school. And I will still spend time with my friends and have fun, I just have to find the balance between fun and school.the balance that will get me the grades I want so I can go to the college that I want to.

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