Seacoast Career Schools offers training in what you need for the career you want. Offering training in careers such as Medical Assisting, Health Claims and Billing,  and Massage Therapy, Seacoast Career School's typical program can be completed in LESS THAN 10 MONTHS! With this type of schedule, you CAN achieve your goal of a new career.

Seacoast Career Schools is a fully accredited member of ACCET. This accreditation allows Seacoast to receive federal funding enabling student to apply to receive Pell grants, student loans and other financial aid packages. The school is open year round and offers day and night classes in each program. Depending on which program you may be interested in; you can enroll and begin classes within a few weeks. Seacoast Career Schools also has an active placement assistance program, helping place students, after graduation, in local area doctor's offices, hospitals, and businesses.

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 Seacoast Career School
Seacoast Career School
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